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Locally Made + Certified Organic
- Recycled garden prunings and trimmings.
- No food waste.
- Certified organic.
- Dark derived from groundwood.
- Certified by the WSDA and has the US Composting Council’s national Seal of Testing Assurance.
- Used as an amendment to the existing soil.
- Adds organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
- Increases water-holding capacity and biological activity, and improves plant growth.
- A soil additive.
- Helpful for lawns, potted plants, or planter mixes.
- Used for existing garden beds, vegetable beds, flowers, shrubs, and trees.
- Apply annually for best results, either working compost directly into the soil before planting or apply directly to the surface as a mulch.
- Lawns:
Typical Installation:
- Top 2-3” layer in the veggie garden, flower bed or trees, and shrubs to give nutrients
- Lawns: apply 1/4” to your lawn with a spreader and take it smooth.
- Potting Soil and planter mixes: blend one part compost to one peat moss (or fine bark), and one part sharp sand or on-site topsoil.
- Check out our measurements page here for tips on how much to buy.
- Mulching tips here.
- An easy test for soil drainage here.