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Decorative + River Rock
- Naturally rounded stone.
- Size varies
- Rocks are multi-colored in earth tones of tan, grey, whites, and browns.
- A variety of round, jagged and smooth landscape river rock.
- Used primarily for decorative purposes.
- Unwashed round rock.
- *Please note this rock will have some dirt and sediment in it that will need to be washed off or swept out.*
- Commonly used to create an attractive drainage area.
- Decorative rock.
- Most popular with water features like creeks and ponds.
- Used as landscaping edging/borders on flower beds or planting strips.
- Residential projects.
Typical Installation:
- For dry creek bed use a thin top layer of about 1" cobble rock.
- Spray with a hose after placement for a clean appearance.
- Check out customer projects here.