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Locally Made
- Made from 100% locally recycled garden prunings, food products, and vegetable trimmings.
- Adds key nutrients for plant health and vitality.
- Compost screened to 7/16 inch and aged six months to 1 year.
- Improves soil fertility - provides a slow release of minerals.
- Naturally fertilizes.
- Seals in moisture.
- Feeds soil.
- Contains no biosolids or steer manure.
- Breaks up hard clay soil by increasing porosity
- Enhances a diverse beneficial microbial population.
- Increases water-holding capacity during dry periods and reduces runoff in wetter months.
- Increases nutrient storage in sandy soils.
- Prevents soil compaction and erosion.
- Improves overall soil structure making it easier to work, improving drainage and resultant root growth.
- Increases air quality from increased tree and plant populations
- Mix with existing soil to enhance growth and water retention.
- Used commonly for around trees, shrubs, and flowers.
- Fertilizing established lawns.
- Best used to amend the existing soil.
- Used for top dressing garden beds, ornamental and edible gardening.
- Recommended for mulching.
- Lawns-seeded, sodded, or hydro seeded.
Typical Installation:
- Soil amendment - mix equal parts of compost with existing soil to a depth of 4 inches.
- Install a 2" layer on top of existing soil and mix to help nutrients spread throughout the soil.
- Click here for tips on mulching. Add 3 inches of Cedar Grove Compost to reduce weed growth.
- Veggie Gardens Compost should be tilled into the existing soil. For every 3 inches of existing soil, add 1 inch of compost to be mixed in.
- The compost can be used as an amendment to drained soil and tilled in.
- Click here for common measurements for your yard project.
- An easy test for the drainage of your soil.