Rain Garden

Wanting to build a rain garden? Our Bioretention Soil Mix is just what you need. It’s a blend of 60% well-graded sand and 40% excellent compost. It is free draining, and the compost helps retain moisture. The City of Seattle uses the same blend around retention ponds and in gardens on high-rise buildings.

Our soil meets and exceeds all Washington State Ecology and City of Seattle specifications for stormwater management. 

-Apply a layer of 12-18" of bio-retention soil for rain garden basin.

- Then apply 3” of compost 

Border can have 3” of wood hip mulch, aggregate, or sod. 

This soil can be used for LID projects, bioswales, rain gardens, planter boxes, and many other landscape features intended to receive surface runoff for filtering or infiltration. 


Rain Garden, Cobble rock